“Moral education is not a new idea. It is, in fact, as old as education itself. Down through history, in countries all over the world, education has had two great goals: to help young people become smart and to help them become good.” – Thomas Lickona, Ph.D.

​​Virtues are good habits, acquired through practice and effort.  Kingswood’s virtue-based character education teaches students to develop virtue by:

  • Focusing on particular virtues throughout the year 
  • Teaching the students how to live out a particular virtue and motivating them to do so
  • Giving them opportunities to practice the virtue

Our teaching staff is trained to mentor the students through our Advisory Program.  Teachers help the students develop a strong moral character so they can cultivate their full potential by becoming responsible, committed, considerate, and competent individuals. Education in character is a necessity if we want our students to practice virtues and ultimately make good moral decisions.

Our virtue program is designed to focus on positive character growth.  It is meant to challenge our students to be the best they can be ~ for themselves, for others, and for God.   Our ultimate goal is making the world a better place ~ one child at a time.

While virtue is its own reward, we believe that positive acknowledgement of a student’s virtuous actions will strengthen and encourage young people to continue to grow in virtue.  

In 2014, the National Schools of Character awarded Kingswood Academy the “National and International Promising Practices in Character Education” for the scope and sequence of our Character Education Program.